Monday, May 4, 2009


Wednesday marks the first surgery for either one of our children.  Case, who will be 9 months on Friday, is getting tubes.  Yes, I know it's a five minute surgery; Matt reminds me constantly.  But still, I am going to have to hand over my baby, and he's going to be given sleepy gas.  On top of that, he can't have anything to eat for about 4 hours before arrival time.  Do the people at the Surgery Center know Case?  That baby loves to drink his milk!  They better be ready for a screaming baby in the waiting room.  Maybe his screams will decrease our waiting time!  Please pray for Case and Matt and me as Case undergoes his first surgery.
Here are some pictures of Case for you to enjoy.

This was taken when Case was only one day old.

Here are Case and his Sissy on the bed when he was a few weeks old.  
I'm not sure which one likes the 'big bed' more!

This was Case's first bath at home.  He was two days old.

Has he grown any?

Case is hamming it up for Daddy!


  1. He's adorable! It's great to see recent pics of him. He's a very pretty little guy.

  2. I love the pictures!
    We are praying for Case!
