Saturday, May 9, 2009

Endless Hours

What does it mean to be a mother?  It means endless hours or worrying (about what you're doing wrong/right, if your kids are happy/upset, if you should go green a bit more, etc.); endless hours of swaying (when the baby is crying/sleeping, when Kennedy's heart is broken over something a friend said); endless hours of cooking, cleaning, straightening, ironing, and washing dishes; endless hours of playing Guess the _____ (insert noun here; today it was Flower; Kennedy doesn't know that I can only name about ten flowers off the top of my head.); endless hours of stacking blocks only to see Case knock them down; endless hours of baby giggles and five year old promises of kisses; endless hours of taking and looking at photos and videos; endless hours of snuggling; endless hours of talking and babbling; endless hours of questions; endless hours of Kennedy's bright ideas; endless hours of being reminded to use my manners (this is something new Kennedy is doing, and I really like it.); endless hours of dreading the teenage years; endless hours of trying to find or invent a freeze ray so that the kids don't grow up; ENDLESS HOURS OF PRAYING; endless hours of being followed by strange shadows (Oh, those are the kids and Matt following me?); endless hours of reading books; endless hours of sitting by the swingset and/or pushing swings; endless hours of arranging stuffed animals and switching them out with the huge assortment we have in the attic; endless hours of brushing teeth and bathing; endless hours of talking about the next birthday party; endless hours of attending birthday parties; endless hours of walking Kennedy to her room because she's scared; endless hours of praying that Kennedy doesn't have nightmares (she asked me to do so twice tonight); endless hours of feeding Case and pumping milk (which I need to be doing right now); endless hours of crafts; endless hours of eating at McDonald's; endless hours of diaper changing; and endless hours spent thinking about how sweet and precious my children are and how fortunate Matt and I are.
So what does it mean to be a mother?  Enjoying every single thing I listed and even looking forward to more of the same tomorrow!  Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers and grandmothers!  May God bless you for all that you do! Being a mother is the greatest job and reward of my life!     

Did I mention endless hours of watching movies, such as The Wizard of Oz?
You've got to love Dorothy and Blonde Toto!

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