Monday, June 29, 2009

Kennedy's First Slumber Party

Kennedy will be turning six on the Fourth of July, so we always have to have her party early. Sidenote--Next year I hope to have it in May though.  It's very difficult to get people to come to a summer party.  They are busy with things like vacation.  Hello!  It's MY daughter's birthday party.  Isn't that a little more important than a vacation? haha

This year she decided to have a slumber party!  As a first grade teacher, I thought, no problem, after all, I take care of twenty-plus kids in my classroom! Well, a classroom and a home are two different things, as I figured out on Friday night.  In my classroom, I am the boss, and I can reasonably punish children who do not follow directions.  In our home, I do not want to be the mean parent who raised her voice at sweet, innocent children.  It was a learning experience for sure!  I think Matt has sworn off slumber parties for good, but I'm game for some more, maybe even soon!

When the girls first arrived, we played outside.  Matt played football with them, until he scared one little girl into screaming!  I told him that her dad was going to get him!

When we went inside, Kennedy wanted all of the girls to promptly change into their pjs, so they did.  They colored and did puzzles while Matt went to get dinner at McDonald's (his favorite restaurant, not! he got Arby's for himself).  

Enjoying MickyD's

Present Time

Singing to Kennedy (She always get so embarrassed!!!)

Kennedy had a freezer pop too, of course.

Quiet Time (There was a Barbie movie for the girls to watch.)

Craft Time (They made beaded bracelets and necklaces.)
The girls finally went to sleep around 12:30, after I forced them to stop attacking Paige, my almost thirteen year old niece.  The next morning we got in the sprinkler and slip and slide. Then we went back inside for a few games. Overall, the first slumber party was a success.  There were no major injuries and hardly any crying!

Visit the blog this weekend for true birthday pictures of our sweet AngelBug!!!

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