Sunday, June 7, 2009

Huge Haircuts

Kennedy has never before wanted a real haircut (only the occasional trim), so when she told me she wanted it cut, I immediately made an appointment for she and Case to get haircuts.  This was Case's first haircut, so it was huge, though very little was cut off.

Case's hair is wet, and he is entertained with his shoe!  Bring on the scissors!
This is Case's serious, Mom I can't believe you just let Mrs. Brenda get that close to me with blades look.  Doesn't he look so well-groomed?
Here's Bug's new haircut.  It makes her look a lot older.  Now she really looks like a first grader, though I'm still not sure that I'm ready for my baby to be in first grade!
Here they are together, after their huge haircuts!  So sweet and precious!
Thank you, precious Father, for our sweet babies!

1 comment:

  1. They both look TOO cute!! I tried to get Kennedy's attention the other night to brag on it, but never got her!
