Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gross Motor Skills-Who Needs Them

Can I just say that I adore our sweet baby boy?  When we were expecting Case, before we knew his gender, Matt truly prayed that he would be a boy.  We already have our near-perfect girl, and so any other girl would pale in comparison to her (not really, but that's what you think), and Matt wanted a boy so badly so that he could share many boy things with him, like a love for fishing, superheroes, and GI Joe.  Of course, Kennedy loves all of those things (except she's never been fishing, yet), so I joke with Matt that Case will probably have no interest in superheroes; he'll prefer Power Rangers (YUCK!!!).  When we found out Case's gender I was so excited, but I was also worried about whether or not I would be able to love a boy like I do my princess.  Would he be as cute?  Would he be as cuddly (see this post to answer that question)?Would he be as fun to dress up?  After Case was born, I knew that yes, I could and would love him just as much as I do Bug. This little boy is after my heart.  I love everything about him, even the fact that he still does NOT sleep through the night (okay, well I could live without that).  

When Kennedy was a baby, she was ahead on everything-fine motor skills, gross motor skills, babbling, you name it, she did it early.  She was walking at ten months and a week (Case's age right now).  Well, Case just isn't the same as Kennedy, and it's a little hard for me to accept. If you know, me you know that I am a bit of a competitive person, so of course I want my kids to be good at everything.  I was never the best at anything (though I was valedictorian and All-County in volleyball), but I was always good at just about everything (I was even on Scholars' Bowl Team).  

Sweet little Case seemed to be hitting milestones on time for the first five months of his life. Then the ear infections hit, for several months, and he really fell behind.  There were two complete weeks during which time he ONLY wanted to be held.  Couple that with having an older sister who wants to do everything for him, and you have a baby who is a little behind on his gross motor skills.  He is great with fine motor skills, and he talks ALL OF THE TIME (just ask anyone at church), but those gross motor skills are just slow to develop.  Case still does not crawl (like we normally think of crawling to be). Instead, he either lays on his back and scoots or lays on his stomach and scoots (backwards only).  It's pretty funny because he can't understand why he isn't getting to where he wants to go.  Case has only gotten into a sitting position (from laying) once.  He can only pull up to his knees (but he's getting closer to pulling up to his feet).  When I sit him in the middle of the floor, he just yells and clenches his fists.  He has absolutely no idea what to do with himself.  Have we enabled him?  I think so! 

Now, as a teacher, I know that all children do things when they are developmentally ready to do them.  So, I am putting things in perspective, and I am not worrying about when Case reaches his milestones, as long as he stays in normal range.  Many babies never crawl, and that's perfectly fine.  We do not really expect him to.  Case is quite strong, but he's confused about how to use his muscles to correctly crawl.  Plus, imperfect practice makes imperfect results. Case does many things very well, like sitting and turning while on his bottom.  Case stands for long periods of time (holding onto something).  He even takes a few steps while holding onto an object (still not cruising).  He has also figured out that he can hold our hands to walk, and he LOVES this form of walking.  He is so amazed by his feet.  He just stares at them.  It is the cutest thing.  He will grab for my hands many times throughout the day so that he can walk.  

So he may not pull up or walk yet, but we're so thankful for his health.  There are so many babies who are in dire need of prayer (many of them listed under Blogs I Can't Avoid).  So what if our healthy, cuddly boy can't crawl?  That just gives us more time to hold him, squeeze him, and nurture him!

Here are some pictures of Case trying so hard to pull up to his feet! 
He kept getting excited about the camera, and he did not want to perform.
You've got to love that face!
Alright, so I helped him just a smidge!!!  How could I refuse that face?

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