Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Case's Obsessions

Case has developed a few obsessions.

Obsession #1: Stairs

Case LOVES to climb stairs. I have NO idea how he learned to climb them. He did not learn at day care, and we didn’t teach him. While at Kennedy’s first ice skating lesson, he discovered the stairs, and just started semi-crawling up them. I was really impressed. Since then he has become a stair master. He can crawl/climb stairs like a pro. I had to start leaving him at daycare while I go to Kennedy’s ice skating lesson, or else I just end up chasing him around the stairs the whole time. At church the other day we were in the kitchen, and he got away from me while I was getting him something to eat. I looked at the stairs, and there Case was, climbing as quickly as he could. He has yet to discover our stairs. We hardly ever use them, and I have a storage tub in front of them right now. We have to get a gate this weekend. I keep saying that…

Obsession #2: Throwing Blocks and Balls

For some reason Case loves the sound of his blocks and balls hitting the tile floor. He throws his toys all over the tile floor, retrieves them, and throws them again. A sure way to get Case to play in the floor is to clean up all of his toys. He has a desperate need to destroy them!!!

Obsession #3: Closing Doors

If there is an open door in Case’s vicinity, it will soon be closed, so watch your fingers.

Obsession #4: Turning on the Faucet

Case loves to turn on the water to our garden tub. He can reach the handles, and he loves to splash his hands in the water. The only problem is that he usually just turns on the hot water, so we have to turn the cold on to make it warm.

Obsession #5: Eating Socks

For some reason Case loves to chew on socks. He does not take a pacifier or suck his thumb (or his fingers like Kennedy did), but he loves to chew on socks. He actually laid down for his nap today with a sock….

Obsession #6: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

No matter what is going on, when Case hears the theme song or the closing song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, he sprints to the tv to dance along. It’s too cute!

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