Saturday, September 12, 2009

They Like What They Like

I thought tonight would be a good time to document what Kennedy and Case are into right now. Not what they're into right at this very moment, of course, they both happen to be in bed right now. But, I want to document some of their current likes and habits.

Kennedy Maeson is way into Barbie dolls. She is so her momma's girl! She even convinced Matt to play Barbies with her the other night! Kennedy is really coming along in her reading, and she is beginning to enjoy reading much more! She would still rather us read to her though. Matt and Kenendy love to watch X-Men Evolution cartoons. This is funny to me, because Matt and I used to watch it together, either before Kennedy was born or when she was a baby. Kennedy loves playing on her swingset. She has mastered the monkey bars, which makes me so happy because I never could go across them. She also loves practicing her cartwheel (another thing I never could do--my sister broke her arm trying to teach me), and she has gotten a lot better at it! Kennedy still loves stuffed animals, and she is saving up her money to buy a Liv Girl (kind of like a Barbie, but with a removable wig), She has lost two teeth so far, and now her top front teeth are both loose! She's wiggling them so that she can get more money for her Liv Girl! Kennedy loves to play games, such as Pretty Pretty Princess, Memory, Guess Who?, Marvel Match-Up, Connect Four, CandyLand, and Cuddle with Bug (that's my favorite too!). Kennedy has made many friends, but she still says Emily is her best friend! She loves that girl! Kennedy is a doting big sister who loves to correct her brother! She also loves it when Case pitches a fit, and we refer to her as the good child. :) Kennedy is very sharing (except with Case), and she is sensitive about growing up. She cries at least twice a week about growing up. Bless her heart! I have to keep my emotions in check because I do not want her to be so upset about growing up. I mean, she's only six, but expectations and routines have started to change, and she realizes that. At her six year check-up, Kennedy was in the 98th percentile for height! She's our little giant, always has been! Kennedy is also great at math and art, but she is not a competitive scholar (must be like her daddy). She does what she has to do to get good grades, but she is so self confident (which is great) that she feels no need to be at the head of the class (figuratively and literally--she's always at the back of the line). I love my alone time with her in the mornings and afternoons. I also love our three minute visits during lunch. Kennedy is a special girl. More wonderful things will definitely come from her life! She loves God so much, and she is aware that all we have is because of Him!

Case is in such a fun stage right now (most of the time). He still follows me around, but he loves Daaa too! I was taking a thirty minute power nap this afternoon, and he kept walking from me in the living room, to Matt in the study. He would walk up, smack me in the face, laugh, and leave. We never let Kennedy smack people in the face, but we think it's hilarious when Case does it. To clarify, he only smacks Kennedy, Matt, and myself in the face. We would not think it was funny if he smacked, I don't know... Brother Dennis in the face, or anyone else outside of the three of us. Case likes to take baths with Kennedy, and he usually smacks her about twenty times while they are in the bath. She loves (and deserves) it. haha Case still loves his outdoor swing, but now he's digging the slide too. He does not like to wait for his food. He wants his food shoveled in. Case is so cute feeding himself snacks. He will get about three yogurt melts in each hand, and shove a few in his mouth at a time. He is doing much better about not gagging so much, thank goodness. Case loves watching other babies. He also LOVES watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Even if he is in a fit of rage, when he hears the Hot Dog song, the world stops, and he just listens, watches, and sometimes even dances! His dance is so cute. He has his Daddy's moves. Case will still not hold his sippy cup, but he does hold his baba. I don't know if he'll ever be off the bottle. He takes three a day. Case is beginning to eat lots of table food. He loves macaroni and meatloaf. Well, really I haven't found anything yet that he turns down. Ice cream and pudding are still his favorites! When Case gets upset or has a toy taken away, he yells a high pitched scream. We thought it was so cute, until he did it over and over again last night at Little Rosie's. He just wanted so badly to get down and walk, but we couldn't let him. Case is not aggressive at all. He loves to play Peek-a-boo, Ride Ole Pony, Hide and Seek, and Pop Goes the Weasel. When it is bedtime or naptime, we just lay Case in his crib, turn on his seahorse (it plays lullaby music), and close his door. He goes off to sleep without hardly ever giving a fuss. This routine started when he was about eleven and a half months old. Before that, going to sleep was not so wonderful for Case or us! We are LOVING how he goes to sleep now! Case does not like for any of his toys to be neatly stacked or put away. If we want him to go play, we simply clean up his toys! He's in the floor in no time, making a mess!

I hope you enjoyed the update!

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