Friday, September 4, 2009


This evening Case discovered the slide on the swingset. Uh-oh! He LOVES it. He tried to climb it, and he cried for more. Kennedy slid with him several times. I fear we'll never get to sit in the chair and just push his swing again! We'll be sliding him from now until he is four!

I can't believe how big Case and Kennedy are getting. I was just looking back through some photos from around the time Kennedy turned four, and I have no ideas where the years went. I remember the days the photos were taken, but I don't remember how we arrived at this point. She is growing faster than I can grasp. My mind has trouble with it. Kennedy has always been a Mommy's girl, and now it seems like I can never find enough time to spend with her, or I'm so tired, I just want to rest instead of play. She and I must get away for a mother daughter day VERY soon!!!

In this picture, Kennedy is holding Traveling Teddy. He is a classroom buddy who travels to a different student's home each week. Matt and I have been calling him H1N1 Bear. Earlier tonight he got a Lysol bath!!!

1 comment:

  1. h1n1 bear! lol! too funny! maybe no one will get sick! :)
