Sunday, August 30, 2009

Case of the Sickies

Teething is not good in our house. When Case cuts teeth, he ALWAYS cuts two at a time, gets snotty and congested, acts ill for a minimum of three days, and spikes a fever. Pair teething with five shots at his one year check-up last week, and you have TROUBLE!!! Matt was off work Wednesday and Thursday with Case, and I was off work on Friday. We both agreed that we would have preferred to have been at work! Case was that ill! He finally began feeling better on Saturday, but he still had bouts of Dr. Jekyll and Baby Hyde all day. The kids and I stayed home from church over the weekend ( I could just see Case rubbing his snotty nose all over the purple pews before I could get to him), and Matt went Saturday and Sunday nights.

Saturday evening, when Case was being Dr. Jekyll, Matt and I gave he and Kennedy a bath. Case suddenly loves to get in the garden tub with Sissy. He plays with her foam Barbie surfboards. He also smacks Kennedy's shoulders and back, which I find quite amusing, knowing all of the times she has tormented him by taking away his toys.

Look at that sweet face. We took pictures of Kennedy too, but I didn't think they were appropriate since she is six.

Here he is all dolled up after the bath. He walks ALL of the time, and his favorite game is Hide and Seek!

Case is headed back to daycare tomorrow. Please say a prayer that his congestion fades quickly. He can hardly even drink his juice or bottle. It's times like these that we have to lean on the Lord, and count our blessings! Case could be so much worse. Now if only he would cut six teeth instead of two at a time....

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby! Must be in the air! We have teeth and ears - yuk :( Missed you!
