Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bug's First Day of First Grade

Kennedy began first grade on August 10! I can not believe how much she has grown! When she started kindergarten last year, she was still the only child (Case was born two day later.). She has matured so much since last year at this time. Kennedy has a great teacher, and I get so excited each time that I see her during the day. I love my job, and I love working, but I do miss my babies for sure, so when I get to hug her and talk to her, it makes me SO happy! As a first grade teacher, I know how much those sweet babies mature and grow up over the course of first grade, so it's breaking my heart daily to realize that by the end of first grade Kennedy is going to be half grown (not really, but it seems that way). Kennedy is a good first grade reader. She should be reading way higher than she is, but it's just not her thing. She's an artist who prefers to listen to Mommy read than to read for herself! Kennedy is definitely a pleaser at school. She is a terrific writer, and she's a friend to everyone! After reading a book last week, her teacher told the class to write about a time they were worried. Kennedy wrote (to the best of my memory) I was worried insiners win I askt Leah for help becos Ms. O'Connor said nottodothat. That was her invented spelling! I love invented spelling!!!! Parents get worried about that, but it shows that children are practicing their phonics skills! Now, if they're still spelling that way in fourth grade.... It's been a challenge to get homework completed because we forget about it. She has done homework at church and in the morning before school! At least it's getting done before it's due. Here are some pictures from the big day.

Matt always reports late to work on Kennedy's first day of school, so every year he has on scrubs in the pictures! haha

How cute are these faces!?!

Kennedy and her First Grade Teacher

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