Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Week in Review

A lot has been going on in the last week.  I have meant to post many times, but I have failed to follow through. 

Case is on the move!  He is cruising around the coffee table and any other place where we stand him.  He is even pulling up on objects.  He has finally gotten the hang of pushing himself across the threshold between our kitchen and dining room while in his walker.  Before, Kennedy and I took turns pushing Case over it, but now he gets a running start and runs across the hump!  Case has taken a few steps.  If we stand him against the recliner (in the evenings only for some reason?), he will walk/stumble to us.  We videotaped him last night.  It’s too cute.  He also has begun aaaallllmmmooosssttt crawling (forwards).  Tonight Case got up on all fours, actually moved his arms forward, moved a little, and did a face plant.  I was tutoring a friend’s son at the time, so we all just laughed at him.  Case has been ill the past two days.  I’m not sure if it’s teething or separation anxiety, but whenever he is left alone in the floor, he thrusts himself backwards and begins violently scooting across the floor on his back.  That has to be uncomfortable.  He is still sleeping in his crib ALL NIGHT LONG!!!  I am resting SO much better, and I am having less pain in my hips!!!  Case goes back to daycare in two and a half weeks.  Please say a prayer for Case, myself, and all of the precious daycare workers who have to deal with an almost one year old who will still not hold his own sippy cup (he will, however, suck down a chocolate milkshake through a straw!). 

Kennedy is growing like a weed!  It’s still difficult to believe that she is six years old.  Kennedy spent the night with her friend E last night (who spent the night with us on Sunday night).  While at E’s house, Kennedy was able to witness the miracle of childbirth, as E’s dog delivered not one, not two, not even ten, but TWELVE puppies.  Kennedy picked out three that she wants to get.  Sorry, darling, not until Case is potty trained.  I have enough shoo-wee to clean up right now!  Kennedy is swimming like a fish.  If Matt would let me teach her to do so, I know she could dive.  However, all of the pools we visit are seven foot deep or less, and Matt insists on an eight foot deep pool for diving.  Maybe next summer...  Kennedy is enjoying gymnastics this summer.  She has the most beautiful somersault (plain ole flip in country terms) ever.  She is flipping over the low bars, and she can almost do a cartwheel.  I think we’re looking into ice skating lessons, beginning in September.  Plus, she’ll do Daisy Scouts again this year.  Kennedy is reading beautifully.  Unfortunately, she does not like to read.  I blame myself because I am such a fabulous reader (just ask my students) that she just wants me to read to her for enjoyment.  Reading is not supposed to be work, after all.  Yeah, right!!!  I know she will act better about reading for her new teacher than she does for me, even though I am a teacher, and she wants to be in my class.  I couldn’t imagine her in my class.  She would be in trouble all of the time.  Ha!   We are going to get school supplies this weekend, plus new sneakers!

Speaking of school, I have been spending a lot of late night hours preparing materials for school (that’s why I don’t have time to Blog).  I was off of work last year for the first twelve weeks of the school year (with Case), so I needed to prepare items for the beginning of the year.  I am planning to go and laminate all of my junk on Thursday, so there will be a cutting out party at our house Thursday night.  Come around 10 pm, and bring your own scissors! Haha!  I’ve also been stocking up on eraser caps each time that I visit Wal-Mart (which was twice today).  I love school!  I am going to miss being with Kennedy and Case 24/7, but I do LOVE my job!!!

I’ve also been hitting the Total Gym four nights a week.  I’m so proud of myself; I just can’t give up.  I have a ways to go.  I need to lose some weight, but I never tell Kennedy that.  I do not want to give her a negative image of her mommy.  I only tell her that I want to be healthy so that I can be able to play with she and Case.  She thinks I am just perfect, especially my hair, which she enjoyed ‘fixing’ tonight.

Last week the kids and I met up with a college friend and her two sweet boys.  Morgan and I pledged Zeta together at UNA, back in August 1999.  We were friends from the beginning.  Morgan was a Lionette at UNA.  She was a bridesmaid in Matt’s and my wedding.  

We met at Bridge Street for some strolling, shopping, and PF Chang’s.  Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures of us together, but I did get a picture of Kennedy hiding in the PF Chang horse.  Morgan has been a great friend.  I really wish we lived closer.  Thanks, Morgan, for a great day.  I can’t wait to do it again!

I think that is enough for now.  Please leave a comment for me to read so that I will at least know that all of this typing was worth a little something!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I wish I had motivation to go to the gym! You can do it! :-)
