Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kennedy's Hands

I love to look at Kennedy’s hands. They are so gorgeous! I often sit around and just marvel at their beauty. But, this wasn’t always the case. I used to look at Kennedy’s beautiful hands and be saddened in my heart because I knew she was in pain…

When Kennedy was about three and a half (like she was in the picture below), she began to get warts. At first she had one, then two, then three, and so on.

I have had warts before (I find that most people have), and I know how annoying and painful they can be. Three times I had to have fingernails removed! When Kennedy began to get them, Matt wanted to try to freeze them off, but I refused. That freezing is painful business, and Kennedy has the pain tolerance of a balloon (which I think would be extremely low). Instead of using modern medicine, I decided to use the oldest form of medicine ever created: PRAYER!!!

I prayed fervently for her warts to go away. I fasted. I sacrificed. And do you know what happened?

They got worse! But I kept praying, fasting, and sacrificing. Matt joined the pursuit too!

In October of 2007 we were at church when God let me know that He was going to heal Kennedy’s warts. I was so thrilled to know that He was looking at my little girl. I had no doubt that He would take care of her. I didn’t know the time or place, but I knew the Who and the means.

Well, over the next eight months, not only did Kennedy develop eight warts on her hands and one on her knee, but she also started getting skin tags in various places, including her top lip and beside her eye. She probably had about ten tags (that seemed to pop up overnight) in all.

It would have been real easy just giving in and taking her to the doctor, but I had God’s promise, and God is no liar! Matt and I have a sign in our house that reads, “Faith is not believing that God can, but knowing that He will.” And I knew that He would heal Kennedy’s warts and skin tags. Instead of praying and asking that God heal her, I began to thank Him for His promise of healing her because I knew that in His time and in His perfect way, He would. I prayed harder and tried to be a better servant.

February 2008 rolled around, and I was constantly sick and in pain from being pregnant with Case. One day Kennedy got in my lap, and when I looked at her beautiful face, I noticed that the skin tag on her lip looked funny. I flicked it lightly with my finger, and it just came right off, like a crumb. I was elated, and through my pain I yelled for Matt, told him what had happened, and began to give praises to God. After that it seemed like Kennedy’s skin tags disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. Her warts, however, were still hanging around.

May 2008 came, and I had to move classrooms, end a school year, and get ready for a baby who would be coming in August (and who was named Walker at that time). Life got SO busy that I failed to check Kennedy’s hands for improvement. The third Sunday of May we were at church when Kennedy sat in my crowded lap. I was holding her hand when I suddenly noticed that ALL of her warts were gone!!! I could only see the dim scar of the worst one (and that scar is now gone). I began to rejoice in my heart. I was sobbing uncontrollably. Matt came to see what was wrong, and I showed him just what was right!

Since then we have reminded Kennedy again and again of what God did for all of us. We NEVER want her to doubt the power of prayer or the power of God.

There are so many obstacles in our way in life, but sometimes, nay always, the best ‘medicine’ for dealing with those obstacles is prayer. With God all things are possible.

There are FAR worse problems than warts, and I surely know that! In fact, I almost deleted this entire post because warts seem so trivial compared to what other people must endure, but I feel that God put this testimony on my heart for a reason. I pray often for children and their parents who are afflicted, and I ask God to let me bear some of their (maybe even your) pain. But I wrote this post to remind you that no obstacle is ever too big or too small for God to make right. Just go to Him in sincere prayer, and your burdens will lighten!

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Please let me know if I can pray for you in any way. We appreciate ALL of your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your faith is so.. BIG!! Thank you for sharing that amazing story... Your posts are always an inspiration for me.
