Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Observations

I have made some observations this summer that I would like to share.

It's H-O-T!!!! And it's still June. It seems like every summer gets hotter and every winter gets colder. Does that mean I 'm getting old?

God should have given me Case's energy level, because I might have a heart attack chasing him around on the rocks behind the house.

Spraying Off! actually keep bugs away, so spray plenty all over and hopefully your legs won't itch like mine.

We have wonderful neighbors. Next door is Dana, who is a cross between Bob Vila and MacGyver. Across the street live Mike and Linda, who let us use their pool without even having to ask!

If you buy your child goggles, she will swim underwater more. I'm not a huge fan of goggles, so I never really bothered with buying Kennedy a pair, but I finally broke down and got her some. I should have bought them a few years ago.

If you get close to Case when he has a big cup in his hand at the pool, you will get wet. Beware!

It's better to pay someone to put up crown molding in your living room with cathedral ceilings (and other rooms) and pay someone to paint those walls than for Matt to spend huge amounts of time away from us to do it himself. Money well spent!

No matter how much you pay for the paint, Matt still can't decide whether or not he likes the color.

Case is really good at making messes!

Matt is the world's best father. Here are the top ten reasons why (as stated on his homemade Father's Day card).
1. He lets Kennedy have more food than Mommy does.
2. He takes Kennedy and Case for rides on the lawn mower, even though Case doesn't want to go.
3. He can play Tickle Monster for 30 minutes (maybe even more).
4. In order for he and Kennedy to be able to watch more cartoons, he can read a book to her very quickly.
5. He can always make up fun games in the swimming pool.
6. He's not afraid to change shoo whee diapers.
7. He understands a little girl's broken heart.
8. He already has Case's toys bought for his 6th birthday (Matt is a bit of a toy collector).
9. He knows how to make Barbie dolls dance!
10. He loves Kennedy and Case more and more everyday, and I know that he would give his life for them, without a second thought!

I LOVE my life!!!!

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