Thursday, June 17, 2010

Being Productive

Honestly, most summers, I am L-A-Z-Y!!! But, this summer I made up my mind that we were going to be productive--as in all teeth are brushed by 8:00 (we usually get up around 6 am) and we are outside playing by 9 (often earlier). Sometimes I take the kids across the street to let them swim at our sweet, sweet, sweet neighbors' house. We usually play on the swingset, walk around the house a few times (Case's new favorite thing; not sure why), and then go for a walk (at least a mile, sometimes two).

We went to Baskin Robbin, and Case did get some chocolate ice cream in his mouth. The people there were cracking up at him. He had to eat his ice cream with the tiny sample size spoon.

A lot of Kennedy's time is spent terrorizing Case with this big ball.

We went to Bridge Street one day, but Case wasn't too keen on the sprinklers. Maybe next time!

Around 10:30 we go in for a snack and to COOL DOWN. Case watches an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I do the dishes or straighten up his toys for the third time that day. Kennedy helps me with this if I force her. They eat lunch, and then he takes a nap around 12:30 for a couple of hours. I LOVE his nap time. I was never so stringent on Kennedy's nap time, but with two kids (one of whom is a wild man), I need his nap as much as he does. :) While he naps, I do a workout video (YAY ME!!!) and spend time with Kennedy. She and I have been working on lots of school related activities, and she learned to tie shoes. We have not even bothered with that until now--we just kept buying bungee cord New Balances. Kennedy is super excited about getting shoes with laces for second grade!!! Now she just has to learn to ride her bike. Seriously, she has ZERO interest in learning to ride her bike. I am baffled. My brother taught me to ride a bike in a matter of a few hours, but I was so eager. Maybe it's because I had older siblings that I wanted to chase. We'll keep working on that... We usually go back outside each day around six to play on the swingset, walk around the house, and take a walk through the neighborhood. I have been pretty good about making dinner, but the house is a mess, which is stressing Matt and me out. We are getting started on home improvement projects, and stuff is everywhere. Hopefully everything will be finished by the end of July, in time for a new school year at a new school that will be housed in my current school for a semester. Confusing, huh?

And in case you're wondering, there is one thing I have NOT been productive with this summer???? THIS BLOG. I'll try to do better.

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